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Children find it easier to form words by combining letters rather than by connecting letters they see in books or on paper. The Montessori Movable Alphabet helps children prepare for writing before they fully develop the skills of reading and writing. By learning to read first, they are better equipped to write when they are ready. Additionally, the Movable Alphabet allows children to learn in a sequential way, starting with individual letters and gradually progressing to building complete words.

The Montessori method offers numerous benefits for learning to read and write, focusing on each child’s natural development and individual pace. It uses sensory materials and hands-on activities that help children deeply understand letters and sounds through phonics, teaching them to break down words into basic sounds rather than memorizing them.

Writing is introduced before reading, using sandpaper letters to help children familiarize themselves with the shapes and movements needed for writing, improving their fine motor skills. Montessori’s prepared environment fosters independence by allowing children to choose activities that match their development level, building confidence in their abilities.

The Movable Alphabet plays a crucial role in the Montessori approach to reading and writing. Its primary function is to allow children to construct words and sentences before they have the fine motor skills to write them by hand. Using individual letters, children can arrange them to form words, reinforcing their understanding of sounds and how they come together to create language.

This tool encourages children to explore spelling and phonetics freely, without the pressure of handwriting. As they build words, they develop a stronger connection between spoken and written language, which boosts both reading and writing skills. Additionally, it fosters creativity, as children are able to express their thoughts through written words long before they can physically write.

"At some given moment it happens that the child becomes deeply interested in a piece of work; we see it in the expression on his face, his intense concentration, the devotion to the exercise"

If, like me, you are a preschool or elementary teacher who loves using the Montessori method to teach reading and writing to your students, you should definitely integrate the Movable Alphabet into your classroom materials. I know firsthand that getting an original wooden Montessori Movable Alphabet can be a significant expense. For this reason, I’ve created a digital Movable Alphabet that will work perfectly for what you need.

Here’s the link to the digital Movable Alphabet. Once you download it, all you need to do is print and laminate it to make it sturdy and long-lasting. If you want to store it in a wooden box like I did, I’ve also included the download link to mine.

How to use the movable alphabet?

Here are the ten steps for presenting the movable alphabet to your students:

  1. Lay down a rug or mat on the floor to define the workspace and protect the material. Make sure the child knows how to transport and use the work rug.

  2. Invite the child to the activity and guide them to the place where the movable alphabet is located.

  3. If you are right-handed, sit to the right of the child; if you are left-handed, sit to their left.

  4. Introduce the material by saying: “This material is called the movable alphabet.”

  5. Explain that with the letters in the alphabet, they will be able to form many words.

  6. Choose a word, such as “sun,” and, if possible, use a miniature or picture of the word.

  7. Ask the child what the first sound of the word is, for example, “/s/” for “sun.”

  8. Find the corresponding letter and place it on the rug.

  9. Repeat the process with the next sounds and letters in the word.

  10. Once the word is complete, read it together with the child. There’s no need to ask them to read it alone at this stage, as writing (encoding) is initially easier for them than reading (decoding).

*If you feel more comfortable making your purchase on well-known platforms, you can also find my products on other e-commerce sites. Here are the links to my Etsy store and my Teachers Pay Teachers store.